Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Simple Start to Lent 2009

"A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me." (Psalm 51:12)

February 25th. Ash Wednesday. In just two short months we have gone from crib to cross. Driving through town I have noticed the occasional home still adorned with a holiday wreath or bedraggled garland and faded red bows. Their removal may seem overdue, yet I am heartened by the sight as well. Snow stays with us for so long during winter. Why not boast exterior cheer well into the new year? After all, such leftover decorations pose no threat to Valentine's Day or President's Day.

We all must contend with snow accumulation. I was reminded of this when I recently stopped at the local Poor Clares monastery on a cold Sunday afternoon. I had not visited since before Christmas. The grounds were blanketed in the beautiful serenity that only undisturbed snow produces. A large, tall evergreen tree near the path caught my eye as I passed by. It invited me to step off the sidewalk and stand quietly beneath its shelter for a moment. With my hand resting on the large trunk, my gaze was drawn high up into the snow-laden branches reaching toward the bright blue sky. Great peace descended on me.

I wanted to linger there under the old evergreen tree, but the cold was starting to seep through my jacket. As I stepped out from beneath the tree I had an urge to lay down right then and there and make a snow angel, but self-consciousness stopped me. Perhaps one of the Sisters would see me from the window and, although I doubted she would disapprove of the childlike display, I did not think I could then traipse into their chapel covered with snow and dripping all over the pews.

The side entrance for visitors is from a porch at the top of a covered stairway. Two small brooms and a boot scraper were placed neatly on a mat. A note posted by the door caught my eye. I read it twice and then had to smile. The message held an extra layer of meaning for me, much as a snowfall does.

I offer the words to you now as a simple meditation to begin this season of Lent. I will leave you to ponder the metaphor in the private chapel of your own soul, especially as you consider receiving the Sacrament of Penance between now and Easter. Here is the note in its entirety:

Dear Friends of our Chapel,

Mindful of Whose living room you are entering at this moment, please, we sincerely request, make every effort to wipe your shoes and your boots as dry as possible. We appreciate your help in keeping our Chapel beautiful. Thank you!

The Sisters